Monday, October 20, 2014

7. Chocolate Granny

"Chocolate Granny"
7 x 5 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

This proved to be a bit tricky as the chocolate on the apple started to melt 
within minutes of starting the painting! The lighting I use to light my sill life set-ups can 
get quite hot so I had to improvise at the end and paint from memory.

If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

6. Just the Top

"Just the Top"
8 x 10 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

This is actually a tall container for drinking straws that I keep on my kitchen counter. 
It has a really interesting design along the bottom but I was more intrigued by the 
shiny top which is why I painted "just the top" of the container. I don't actually use it for straws, 
I just think it's a really pretty container and I like how it catches the light.


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

5. Single Pear

"Single Pear"
6 x 8 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

On of the many lovely pears beginning to appear in my favorite grocery store.


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit