Monday, September 29, 2014

4. Ben's Tomatoes

"Ben's Tomatoes"
8 x 8 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

There's nothing quite like home grown tomatoes for the best flavor. 
These lovely tomatoes turned into a delicious bruschetta, probably the last of the season 
as we had our first fall rain yesterday. 

If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Friday, September 26, 2014

#3 Lemon and Its Shadow

"Lemon and Its Shadow"
8 x 10 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

This is one of the same lemons used in my last Daily Painting. I wanted to try 
painting the lemon under different lighting conditions. I liked this slightly backlit effect. 
I was also intrigued by the subtle changes in the leaf color since 
finishing the last painting, it was turning into a more "olive" shade of green.


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

#2 My Neighbors Bounty

"My Neighbors Bounty"
8 x 10 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

A sincere thank you to my generous neighbor who allows me to harvest
 from his lovely lemon tree. Part of this tree hangs over our fence and it's fruit has provided 
us with lots of refreshing lemonade during our hot summers, along with lemon cookies, 
lemon pound cake and even lemon chicken. Thank you neighbor!


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

#1 Here I Go

"Here I Go"
10 x 10 inches
Oil on gessoboard

I'm diving into the world of Daily Painting ..... thus the title of my first Daily Painting.
I love these little take out boxes I found in my local crafts store. They're available in all sorts of bright colors, pastels and more. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of these in the future.


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit