Wednesday, December 31, 2014

11. Red Plum

"Red Plum"
6 x 6 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

A leftover plum from the Sangria I was inspired to make over the holidays.
Happy New Year everyone!
p.s. The sangria was delicious, I'll definitely be making that again.

If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Monday, December 15, 2014

10. Three Selfies

"Three Selfies"
8 x 10 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

When I started this painting I had decided to name it "Tis the Season". Once I finished it 
I couldn't resist naming it "Three Selfies" instead... for reasons obvious to the viewer I hope!
My first self-portrait(s).


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

9. Shades of White

"Shades of White"
8 x 8 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

I enjoy painting white objects and I especially enjoy painting paper bags. When I saw the light hitting this bag and creating those beautiful long, loose shadows, I just had to paint it! This was really fun to paint, it was one of those paintings that just painted itself - gotta enjoy that! Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope you all get to enjoy time with friends, family and loved ones.


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit

Sunday, November 9, 2014

8. Inner Glow

"Inner Glow"
12 x 12 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

Funny how things are, I thought the rose would be the more 
difficult part for me. It was the rose that flowed a bit more easily and the jar caused 
me some strife. Art imitating life, what you think is going to be easy is not and what 
you think may be difficult is a bit easier than you thought it would be!


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Monday, October 20, 2014

7. Chocolate Granny

"Chocolate Granny"
7 x 5 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

This proved to be a bit tricky as the chocolate on the apple started to melt 
within minutes of starting the painting! The lighting I use to light my sill life set-ups can 
get quite hot so I had to improvise at the end and paint from memory.

If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

6. Just the Top

"Just the Top"
8 x 10 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

This is actually a tall container for drinking straws that I keep on my kitchen counter. 
It has a really interesting design along the bottom but I was more intrigued by the 
shiny top which is why I painted "just the top" of the container. I don't actually use it for straws, 
I just think it's a really pretty container and I like how it catches the light.


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

5. Single Pear

"Single Pear"
6 x 8 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

On of the many lovely pears beginning to appear in my favorite grocery store.


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Monday, September 29, 2014

4. Ben's Tomatoes

"Ben's Tomatoes"
8 x 8 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

There's nothing quite like home grown tomatoes for the best flavor. 
These lovely tomatoes turned into a delicious bruschetta, probably the last of the season 
as we had our first fall rain yesterday. 

If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Friday, September 26, 2014

#3 Lemon and Its Shadow

"Lemon and Its Shadow"
8 x 10 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

This is one of the same lemons used in my last Daily Painting. I wanted to try 
painting the lemon under different lighting conditions. I liked this slightly backlit effect. 
I was also intrigued by the subtle changes in the leaf color since 
finishing the last painting, it was turning into a more "olive" shade of green.


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

#2 My Neighbors Bounty

"My Neighbors Bounty"
8 x 10 Inches
Oil on Gesso Board

A sincere thank you to my generous neighbor who allows me to harvest
 from his lovely lemon tree. Part of this tree hangs over our fence and it's fruit has provided 
us with lots of refreshing lemonade during our hot summers, along with lemon cookies, 
lemon pound cake and even lemon chicken. Thank you neighbor!


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

#1 Here I Go

"Here I Go"
10 x 10 inches
Oil on gessoboard

I'm diving into the world of Daily Painting ..... thus the title of my first Daily Painting.
I love these little take out boxes I found in my local crafts store. They're available in all sorts of bright colors, pastels and more. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of these in the future.


If you would like to view my larger work, prints and notecards please visit